Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I was on the CNN.com website just now and found this interesting article about the highest-resolution photos ever taken of the planet Mercury. If you'd like to see two of the photos, go to http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/space/10/07/mercury.mission/index.html.

Why am I putting this on my blog? I don't really know. Something about the photos blew me away. I had always thought that, being the closest planet to our star, Mercury would be rusty red like Mars (red = hot). But it's not! It's gray and looks a lot like our moon with a scarred, pock-marked surface.

Anyway, the images were haunting in a way. I'm reminded of the grandeur and immensity of God's creation anytime I see clear, hi-res images of planets, asteroids, comets, stars, etc. How small we are in the universe. And yet God is aware of every sparrow that falls.


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